Patricia trujano

Patricia trujano

International Advent Singing

for the 39th time, the Department of Culture of the City of Vienna (MA 7) invites you to the International Advent Festival at the Vienna City Hall over the four Advent weekends in December 2019. Traditionally, he…

Presentaciones en Mexiko 2019

Querid@s amig@s, estaré de regreso en mi bello país México y estaré ofreciendo dos conciertos. Les dejo aquí toda la información, me encantará saludarles a tod@s. Para conciertos contáctanos aquí: {:}

Film-Premiere La llorona

We invite you to the world premiere of the video “La Llorona” by the Mexican artist Patricia Trujano Granados, singing in Zapotec, Spanish and German. What a night last night, Simply and simply it was an indescribable emotion to see on a movie screen here...